a ROSE blooms :)
The day that Rose has been waiting for---her 18th birthday. Not only that it marks her first steps to womanhood but would also mark the day of her, being of legal age and a pass to r-18 movies. Haha! (We watched the healing (uncut version) together few days before her birthday but she was blocked by the guards because she was not yet 18. She was so dismayed. lol) The venue of her party was at Sunny Point, Maa. I was really amazed with their chandelier which turned out to be a table for the cake. Yes, the cake was hanging and in the middle of the program the chandelier was slowly pulled down and voila, a table with a three-layered cake! I was very igno for a moment there. Haha! Below are few of the photos from the party :) xoxo, Delyn ♥