Passed! :)
Right after last year’s first semester ended, we were told by our instructors that we have got to brace ourselves for the next semester to come. They usually call it as the ‘sala/straining stage’ of the International studies program. Usually, half of the class gets kicked out of the program for certain reasons. And I tell you, it was definitely no joke at all. The second semester was, I don’t know, an obstacle course perhaps?
A lot of thoughts crossed my mind. Thoughts like, ‘this is too hard, I want to give up’ and ‘will I be able to make it to third year?’ kept creeping inside my head. My course may not sound so difficult but trust me, it really is. Not only the subjects require a lot of reading literally hundreds of pages but the instructors also demand so much from us. ‘Twas surely one heck of a rollercoaster ride. Yet, I survived! I have managed to still make it in the program and I owe it all to daddy God. He has definitely answered my prayers. <3
Delyn ♥
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